If you want to unlock your potential for extraordinary leadership, this course is for you!

Live more, lead better, and find meaning! 


The Essential System

for Purpose-Driven Leaders 

Next Launch - October 2024 

The most comprehensive program for enabling you to become an authentic leader.  

 The 5-week program includes  the only step-by-step system that enables you to discover your purpose, develop your unique leadership mission, create a plan for how you will carry it out in your organization, and design a clear message for inspiring others to engage in a shared vision. 

More Details Please

Let me tell you about this course!

Click on the picture to start the video



Before you dive into the details, let's make sure you are a good fit. 

The Essential System for Purpose-Driven Leaders is for you if you are seeking an inspiring and impactful way to lead based on what you care about most.

This course is for you if ....

  • You are a CEO or senior leader and possess visionary aspirations for making a positive impact on the world. 
  • You are an entrepreneur who aims to begin your journey on the right path.  
  • You are a mid-level leader seeking to motivate your team through values-based leadership.  
  • You are an individual seeking a new direction in your career and a fresh approach to leadership. 

Get your hands on the exact process I used to  discover  my own leadership purpose and develop my own mission ad style.  

Live more, lead better, and find meaning!

Course enrollment for July is limited to 10 students to ensure your get a personalized experience targeted to your specific needs. 

Sign me up!

The 4 step Essential System for Purpose-Driven Leaders with tools and exercises to support your growth. 

Create a leadership framework that works for you and honors your personal and professional priorities.  

By the end of this program you will have.... 

  • Defined your leadership purpose, Find your leadership purpose based on what matters to you most. 
  • Identified and articulated your unique leadership mission statement, Perfect for people who need a guiding light to enhance their focus and to prioritize effectively. 
  • Developed a plan to bring your mission to life, With this profile, you can leverage your strengths while crafting a comprehensive plan for personal development. 
  • Created a clear and irresistible narrative to inspire others,You will  skillfully craft an inspiring leadership story with  the power to captivate others, while also designing a compelling process to engage and enlist them in a shared vision effectively.

And you'll be able to achieve all of this with my full support.  I will accompany you through the entire process of working through the modules, offering coaching and a supportive forum where we can all collaborate and uplift one another. 

Find out if this course is for you

But above all else......

The Essential System for Purpose-Driven Leaders will give you the confidence you need to become the authentic, inspiring leader you were meant to be!

Enrollment for October is limited to 10 students so I can guarantee you get the persoal attention you desire.  

Sign me Up for the October Launch


You want to soar above status quo leadership. You are looking for a way to build momentum and increase your impact. This course will help you reinvigorate your leadership and find more meaning in your work. 

You may be wondering whether this course is really for you and worth the time and effort.  

  • You are already exhausted and wondering why you should take on one more thing. 
  • You feel like your leadership role is fixed and lacks potential for greater significance. 
  • You would love to find more meaning in your work but feel that your current life obligations and constraints may stand in the way. 
  • You are doing ok already, so why should you challenge the status quo? 
because THE WORLD IS  uncertain, taking on a new challenge may seem daunting to you. 

While it is true that the future is unpredictable, there has never been a better time to look for fresh approaches to living and leading. 

I want you to feel renewed, reneergized ,and more hopeful as you face the future.  

IT'S IN TIMES OF uncertainty and ambiguity that you need tools and strategies to gain a greater sense of control over your life.

While you can't control everything, you can increase your control over your life and leadership. Discover your north star to guide you as you navigate through the uncertainty. 

I hope you will leave this course with clear strategies for living more, leading better, and finding meaning. 

Working with Kathy as I have transitioned to the role of President and CEO at the National Center For Families Learning has been an inspiring and engaging experience. She has been an amazing thought partner and coach along the way and her writing has influenced my thinking about next-level leadership. Reflecting on her tenets of conscious leadership provides moments for reflection and continuous improvement. I really appreciate the resources and efforts she provides to senior-level and C-suite leaders.

Felicia Cummings Smith
CEO National Center For Families Learning 



Imagine if...

You had absolute clarity on the purpose of your life and leadership.  

You had a crystal clear mission defining exactly what you aim to achieve as a leader. 

You could finally inspire others with your visionary leadership

You didn't have to trudge through your days feeling helpless to make a real difference. 

What if designing a process to get you there was all done for you - and you could follow the steps for forging your own unique kind of leadership. 

WHAT IF YOU HAD A transformational experience that would make all the difference in your ability to lead with purpose and passion? 

Take the time to reflect on what means the most to you in your life and leadership. 

There was a time when I felt perpetually overwhelmed and  unfulfilled, constantly caught up in the whirlwind of juggling numerous responsibilities.  However, as I was barreling towards burnout, I stumbled upon a solution that enabled  me to slow down and regain control over my life. 

Envision yourself in control of your time. Think about how you will feel when you are focused on what matters most to you. Imagine that you are centered and living by your core values and purpose.  

Sign me up.

This is not just about your leadership. It is also about your life. What do you really want and where does leadership fit into that vision of your best life? 




You will receive a comprehensive workbook eqipped with thought-provoking worksheets and valuable examples to bolster your progress on this tranformative journey.


I provide you with real examples from other students and leaders to inspire you and help you think through how you would like to lead. 


Every lesson (all 15) starts with a video tutorial where I explain the purpose of the lesson, how it fits into the bigger system and what I want you to do to complete it. 

Group Coaching 


As part of the course, I offer five live group coaching sessions. During these interactive sessions, I will provide personalized guidance, foster meaningful discussions, and share supplementary resources tailored to the modules and your specific challenges.

One-on-One Coaching 

Scheduled at your convenience 

In addition to the group sessions, as a special bonus, I provide a one-on-one coaching session for offering you personalized support. Through this individual session, you have a unique opportunity for delving deeper into your specific needs and aspirations as I tailor my guidance and assistance to you alone. 

Peer-to-Peer Learning 


Arguably the most invaluable aspect of the program is the vibrant community of peers. In this private Facebook group, you can openly share your experiences, insights, and challenges, while also benefiting from the collective wisdom and diverse perspectives of others. 

 ACCESS TO The Essential System For Purpose-Driven Leaders - Secure your spot. 
Sign Me Up!

And just who will be teaching you The Essential System for Purpose-Driven Leaders?

Me! I'm Kathy Miller Perkins 

Leadership coach, psychologist,  consultant, teacher, animal lover, good cook and avid reader of fiction!

My fascination with purpose-driven leadership started at a young age. During my high school years, I went to Thailand as an exchange student. As a small-town girl from the Midwest, this adventure felt risky and scary. However, my anxiety paid off. I  discovered  I possessed the curiosity, courage and talent for connecting with  diverse groups of  people. And I could make friends with those quite different from myself. When I came home, I shared my experiences  with others in my hometown by speaking and teaching. At age 17, I had begun my personal leadership journey. 

Now I am a psychologist. I love this work because  I can  help  others like you find your  strengths, expand how you think about leadership, and summon the curiosity and courage to uncover and pursue your purpose. 



Kathy is absolutely amazing to work with!  She has an incredible depth of knowledge in creating purpose-driven culture, but also has the ability to make even the most complicated information accessible and is completely invested in propelling your success forward. 

Denise Roberson 
Chief Purpose Officer

Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown

Discover Your Why: 5 Foundational Pillars 

In this module, you will establish who you are as a leader. If you want to succeed in influencing others, first you must be very clear on what you stand for and what you want as a leader. 

Through structured reflection exercises, you will build five foundational pillars that will serve as the basis for everything you stand for in your life and leadership.

This module helps you clarify what matters most to you personally, and how you can incorporate your purpose and passions into your career and your leadership. 



Define Your What: Your Leadership Mission 

In this module, you will bring your "why" to life by building your leadership mission statement. 

Your mission statement represents what you want to accomplish over the long run through your leadership. It is what you will do to  accomplish your purpose.

And why do you need a mission statement? For the same reason your organization needs a mission statement: to provide you with direction and guidance to achieve your goals and  fulfill your purpose. 




Establish Your How: Leadership Profile 

In this module, we will focus on the “how” of your leadership.

Now that you know why you want to be a leader, and what you want to accomplish through your leadership mission, it is time to figure out how you will lead in order to reach your goals and fulfill your purpose.  



Communicating Your Story 


In this module, you will bring all of the pieces together to create a compelling vision and a story that will inspire others to sign on to it. 



The Essential System for Purpose-driven Leaders will get you from A to Z in record time. This is your ticket out of status quo work and into leadership that is meaningful to you and inspiring to others. 

Let's get you started!

Not only will you get access to all the course materials, but you'll also get any future updates I throw in! 

I'm ready to join! 

Sign me up for the October launch.

Still Got Questions?

The Essential System for Purpose-Driven Leaders 

Live more, lead better, and find meaning. 

  1. You know you need a better way to live and lead. 
  2. You have a strong desire to increase the meaning in your leadertship.
  3. You can finally cut through the distractions and focus on what means the most to you. 
  4. You don't have to chase empty goals that steal your energy and set you on the road to burnout. 
Invest in your leadership future!


I promise that you CAN do this. But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the course within 10 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

Take the full 10 days to explore the materials and experience The Essential System, and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.


"Truly a game-changer for anyone seeking to level up their leadership."


Working with Kathy was transformative for me and my company. Her expertise enabled me to refine my skills and make decisions within the business more efficiently. I identified weak spots in our business strategy and was empowered to address them effectively. Kathy's personable approach made the learning process enjoyable, and her insightful counsel has been instrumental in my and my team's ongoing success. Truly, a game-changer for any business seeking to level up their leadership.


Janet Fields 

Oak Trust Properties 

All The Help You  Need To Build Your Authentic  Leadership 


Sign me up for the October launch.